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Sorry Daidō Moriyama | 對不起 森山大道

Writer's picture: GOOD TIMESGOOD TIMES

Hi guys,

Yes it's me again. And yes we have something to share with you guys again! This time it's just some random stuff going around and I feel it's kinda dope to share this hilarious shit with you guys so I'm just gonna make it short and quick.

So I went to Tokyo last month (really have to say a huge thank you to Tunway, he's the man) and as usual, the city is crazy awesome and I think we'll just gonna skip that " how lovely is that city " kind of intro because I'm not gonna waste your precious time.

Me and Tunway were roaming around Shibuya before we heading to Mt Fuji for Kaws: Holiday. And we randomly stop by at a film camera shop (I guess) and I saw there are buckets full of films and disposable cameras. So I saw they're selling Ilford XP2 disposable camera and I picked it up and thinking holy shit I should shoot some B&W photos like Daido Moriyama!! What a brilliant idea!! And of course I bought it and I was in this freaking Moriyama mood to shoot every single shot.

Last week, I went to develop the film (in Color dot com if you're asking) and I was damn surprised when I saw the photos.

What the fork is this!

What the fork is happening!

It was bad. Everything is out of composition. The lighting sucks. And my bloody finger..

Or probably just me being sucks in photography. Guess I should just get my ass back to my desk and keep doing my shit.

But you know what,

if you can explain a shitty art, it could be a something else too. So I'll just gonna do it the same.

Daido Moriyama once said

Photography is not a means by which to create beautiful art but a unique way of encountering genuine reality

so I decide to name this album..

"Sorry Daido Moriyama"


(I did not edit anything on this album. It's all straight out from the camera, ha!)




不過這次是些瑣碎事, 也就反正也覺得蠻好笑的 打算就分享一下讓大家笑一笑。

這次也不廢話啦 就來簡短一點的吧!

在上個月我就和Tunway去了一趟東京(感謝Tunway大大帶我飛)當然東京也一如往常的爽 不過這裏就不多加介紹東京有多爽 去看看一些雜誌或網站那裡介紹得更好啦。

然後在去富士山參與Kaws:Holiday前 我們就在涉谷裡溜達一下

逛逛下就經過一家應該是賣菲林/菲林相機的店 那家店外面就有裝著滿滿的菲林和一次性菲相機。

我就看了一看 就看到他們有賣Ilford XP2黑白一次性菲林相機。

心裡就想 DLLM 來到東京了 當然要向森山大道取經 來拍個黑白相冊啊!就立刻買了一架。

當時就抱著要 “拍得很森山大道” 的心情去拍。

就在上個星期,我就把這菲林給洗了。 然後很快的就拿到了照片一看.. 嚇了一大跳




可是! 無論多糟糕的藝術品,只要你能夠給予它充分的解釋,它也能讓人覺得它有價值的!



所以我打算為這個相冊取個名字.. 也就是

“對不起 森山大道“



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