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Interview with Shuren Projects and Good Times founders | 獨家專訪 Shuren Projects 与 Goodtimes 主理人

Writer's picture: GOOD TIMESGOOD TIMES

TW= Theng Wei from Shuren Projects S= Sean from Goodtimes


TW: 我记得第一次见到Sean 是在吉隆坡市中心的一间咖啡厅,时间是晚上9:30。我约了 Against Lab 谈联名,而Sean当时在Against Lab实习。不久后他就推出了自己的品牌 Good Times 来抢我饭碗💩。

S: 对,就是那时候在VCR见到廷伟。当时就觉得这个人那么眼熟,才知道他在鼎鼎大名的Juice Kl上过班。我还帮Against车他们的徽章在他们的Noragi上,满满的回忆~ 不过很累 屌

How did Shuren Projects meet Good Times?

TW: I remember first meeting Sean at a cafe in Kuala Lumpur, it was around 9.30AM. I’d invited Against Lab to discuss a possible collaboration, and Sean was interning at Against Lab at the time. Not long after that he came up with his own brand: Good Times, so he could steal the slice of my pie. 💩

S: Yes, I first met ThengWei at VCR. I was wondering why he looked so familiar, only then I realised he’d worked at Juice KL in the past. I even helped Againstlab sew on their badges for their collaborative noragi. So many memories… but it was tiring. Fuck.

collaboration of Shuren Projects with Againstlab back in 2016



TW : Sean 黄百鸣般的脸庞,那充满喜感的眼神,微微上扬的嘴角,看着他就感觉到春节的气息。

What do you admire about each other?

S: ThengWei has a look of melancholia, a sighing beard, and the scissor skills of a god, even that Neighborhood cup enthrals me. Yeah not really.

TW:  Sean has Wong Pak Ming’s face, and eyes filled with joy, he’s always smiling, when I see him it’s like Chinese New Year every time.


S:我从一开始树人创立时就有留意到这个品牌,我记得树人第一个batik的collection还有model在highway旁边跑着 让我身同感受 备份感动~

TW:那个batik collection 是2012年的 debut,九年了😱。那时候没钱,只能找我的弟弟来model,现在他肥到lin酱。回想起那时的摄影和衣服制作,真的很noob。

What do you think of each other, either as a friend or work partner?

S: I’d paid attention to Shuren as a brand ever since they were founded, I remember their first collection with elements of batik, and the images of a model running by a highway. I felt like I could relate to it, and was very moved.

TW: That batik collection was our debut collection in 2012, it’s been 9 years! At the time we had no money, so I got my younger brother to model for us, now he’s fat as fuck. As I recall our photography and studio setup at the time, it was really bad.

 debut collection of Shuren Projects, 2012

合作如何开始 ?

TW: 想要做军装可是不懂如何开始。在某一晚上,Sean 黄百鸣般的脸庞在我的脑海里闪过,然后我就联系他要不要联名出个军装来玩玩。Goodtimes 在功能性和细节的处理都很到位,我希望通过联名来学习和分享彼此对服装的知识,开阔视野。🙌

S: 受到廷偉的誠意邀請然後一口答應了,也覺得可以透過collab和前輩學習一下 感恩~

How did the collaboration come about?

TW: I wanted to make military wear but I didn’t know how to begin. One night, the image of Sean Wong Pak Ming’s face floated into my consciousness, so I contacted him to ask if he’d be interested in a fun military collaboration. Goodtimes has high standards of functionalism and details, I hope to share and learn more about clothing design through our collaboration, to broaden our horizons, so to speak.

S: After receiving ThengWei’s very sincere invitation I immediately agreed, I also think I can learn a lot through this collaboration from my senpai.

Sean's attention to details during lookbook shooting

有没有特别喜欢的一款 ?

S:个人很喜欢外套,剪裁十分满意 又可以穿上它上战场继续为我人生奋斗!

TW:外套制作过程可是困难重重。外套换了三次面料。第一次是颜色不对,换了一个比较深的军绿色,结果工厂因病毒的关系,没有运作。又得重新找面料☠️。 我特别喜欢的一款是 Cargo Pants 。当我一拿到样品,试穿后,就知道这是条好裤子。颜色,剪裁都很满意,不需要修改😙

Do you have a favourite item?

S: Personally I really like the jacket, I’m really satisfied with the tailoring. I’m prepared to wear it into the battle of daily life!

TW: The process of creating this jacket was very hard. The materials were changed three times. The first time the colour was off, so we changed to a darker military green, but because of the coronavirus the factory couldn’t operate! So in the end we had to change again ☠️. I really like the cargo pants. When I first got the sample and put it on, I knew it was a good pair of pants. I was very satisfied with the colour and cutting, no changes were needed. 😙

軍裝有什麼著迷的地方讓你愛不釋手 ?

S:軍裝的設計通常都以實用性為主,然後都採用較耐久的面料。在不同的時期有不同類型的設計和剪裁來配合當時戰爭時的氣候和環境,也可以歷經時間的洗禮又不失美感 喜歡~


What is the sublime element of military wear that makes you love it so much?

S: The principle of design for military wear is functionalism, so it utilises sturdy and hardy materials. Under different circumstances of war, the design of the garment changes according to weather and the environment of battle. With the baptism of time, these garments develop patina and never lose their beauty. I love it.

TW: I agree with Sean 100%, I guess that’s why I chose to collaborate with him, xoxo. I’m really addicted to military green, like every season I’ll push for some military green designs, even though not every item is a hit. 🙃

Tom Sizemore and Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan (1998)

1917 (2019)


S:面料採用舒適又厚實的棉,加上洗水處理 讓布身更加柔順 顏色上採用十分容易搭配的軍綠色和米白色 加上一些撞色的小細節添加一些小驚喜 穿上身會十分輕鬆且帥氣感十足 棒~

TW:这是我第一次尝试洗水的处理方式,连纽扣都一起洗旧处理,成品非常满意。撞色的 Pocket Tee 在我拿到樣品前還蠻擔心的,畢竟螺紋撞色有一定的風險讓Tee Shirt看起來很怪,還好樣品很順眼,撞色成功😋

Deserter Ranger Tee

Can you talk about the materials you’ve chosen this time? What’s different about it?

S: We’re using cotton that’s thick and comfortable, that will soften further with washing. We’re using very democratic colours in military green and beige, along with some very contrasting details that one might find surprising. When put on it gives this very relaxed and suave feel. I think it’s great~

TW: This is my first time experimenting with pre-washing techniques, this including pre-washing the buttons and I’m really pleased with the results. I was quite worried about the contrast pocket tees before receiving the samples, because with contrast ribbing there’s always a chance for tee shirts to turn out looking funny. But they turned out very nicely, the contrast was a success!😋

Deserter Field Jacket

Deserter Cargo Pants

Covid 期间做了什么?



What have you been doing during the Covid-19 lockdown?

S: I get up, brush my teeth, shower, and think about how to market our collaboration (like we could write some more funny articles like this), I also eat and play with my dog, watch movies and read books before sleeping.

TW: I get up, watch TV, play games, and I pray that people will buy this collaboration before I sleep.

Covid 期間有沒有任何人生啓發?


S:what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! 謝謝尼采

Any moments of enlightenment during Covid-19 lockdown?

TW: Death Stranding is about to become to reality. ⚰️⚰️⚰️

S: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Thanks Nietzsche bro!




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